Year 1
We had a great time on World Maths Day, we talked about all the different uses of maths in everyday life and the role that maths can have to play within future careers. We did lots of maths activities, including a number workout, an interclass quiz within Year 1 and playing a game of Bingo to support our number recognition. Our main focus of the day was comparing and measuring length, we made our own tape measure to measure objects around the classroom.
Year 2
In Year 2 we had a great day celebrating World Maths Day. We had an inter class competition between Mrs Bates and Mrs Hewitt’s class, we used our measuring skills to measure items around the classroom, wrote down our 2, 5s and 10s fluency facts on large paper and took part in the World mathletics competition. In PE we created repeated patterns.
In Year 3, we found that maths is in various parts of our daily lives and in different lessons throughout school.
We explored how maths affects what numerous occupations in the world as well as developing work through measurement in art and timing in music (as well as singing our times table songs).
Year 4
In year 4, we had a brilliant day. We spent lots of time looking at different shapes, measuring the length then finding the perimeter. We also held a times table relay race. The first team to answer all their times tables in the race won!
Year 6
We had a great time in year 6 for World Maths Day - we had an interclass competition on Daily 10 (this is a great website for SATs revision) - lots of dojos were earned! We then spent some time working in teams to complete a SATs treasure hunt - they loved it and it was a great revision exercise. In the afternoon, we spent some time on SHAPE - reminding ourselves of the properties of 5 different 2D shapes and then we began creating our own shape artwork inspired by Kandinsky.