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Kindness Week

Kindness Week - Anti Bullying Week


Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ was chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.

Priestsic are proud to have spent the week exploring one of our school's values- KINDNESS- further and we have really enjoyed our learning. We took part in activities to encourage people to be kind to each other, themselves and our environment and are looking forward to sharing our work with you on here and our whole school display.


However, we know that kindness doesn’t end after just one week! Let’s be kind all year round, both within our school and at home.

Odd Socks Day 2021

We kicked off 'Kindness Week' with an Odd Sock Day at Priestsic! 

It's a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week! It was held on Monday 15th November 2021.  


    Foundation 1

    Foundation Stage 2

    In Foundation 2, we have been sharing lots of stories around kindness and looking at ways that we can show kindness to others. We created a big list of ideas of things we could do and say that would be kind. We have also been looking out for each other showing kindness in school.

    Year 1

    In Year 1 we explored who is kind to us and how it made us feel. We then represented this through our art. We mixed warm colours which represented how it made us feel when someone is kind to us. We decided that it was such a nice feeling that we should be kind too!

    Our kindness work

    Year 2

    In Year 2 we have been reading the book called ‘Kindness grows’ by Britta Teckentrup. We have explored the language and images used in the book and had lots of discussions around how our actions make other people feel. We wrote down all the things we can do to be kind to each other and have worked hard on demonstrating them in school. Lots of children commented that when they received a kind gesture or action it made them feel happy. We discussed how kindness links into our other school values and made a list of all the things we need to be a kind friend. We then used our colour mixing skills to create a background for our mugs and wrote a kindness recipe.

    Year 3

    Year 4

    In Year 4 we discussed what it meant to be kind and how our actions can have a ripple effect on other people. Using this we played games to spread kindness and positive feelings and emotions through the class. We went outside and passed a football around our group. Each time we passed the ball we also passed on a kind word or phrase. We then created a kindness football for a friend with kind words and compliments.

    Year 5

    Year 5

    In Year 5 we explored values of friendship. We discussed traits that we would like in a ‘good friend’ and thought about the amount of each of these we would like, thinking which were most important. We then created a recipe for a new best friend.

    Year 6

    Kindness Week

    Year 6 explored the fact that kindness is an abstract noun which means you can’t see it, feel it, taste it, hear it or smell it, we then discussed the question what does kindness actually look, smell, taste, feel and sound like? The ideas that the children came up were absolutely beautiful and were used to write their very own kindness is... poem. Some of their ideas included; kindness smells like a bacon sandwich that my mum has made for me, kindness looks like the colour yellow, just like the bright rays of the sun, kindness feels like warm arms pulling me in tight for a hug, kindness tastes like roasted marshmallows by the campfire with my family, kindness sounds like someone asking if I’m ok…. ❤️

    Music - One Kind Word

    Andy and the Odd Socks are one of the most popular bands for young children in the UK. Stars of the wacky comedy drama ‘Andy and the Band’ currently on CBeebies and CBBC, the Odd Socks are always there to help their fans along the way and of course save the day…in their own inimitable way. Fronted by Andy Day, one of the most popular children’s TV personalities, the Odd Socks are all about fun and laughter, but more importantly they deliver a message of individuality, acceptance and tolerance. Which is what being an Odd Sock is all about… because everyone is different and that’s good! Andy and the Odd Socks wrote another toe-tapping masterpiece song this year called 'One Kind Word', which Year 6 have learnt and recorded for you during our music sessions this week.

    One Kind Word.mp4

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    Still image for this video


    Still image for this video


    Still image for this video


    Still image for this video


    Still image for this video