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Welcome to our Computing page. Please have a look at our Computing Rationale, Vision and Purpose and Progression. 

Computing at Priestsic

At    Priestsic, we  equip our children with the skills to  be computer  literate by the time they leave   us. We   do   this by entwining the three strands of computing; computer science, information  technology and digital literacy, throughout our curriculum. We   aim for all children to  have   the skills needed to  become active   citizens of a  digital world.


In  Foundation   and Key Stage 1, children are  taught to   create simple programs, with plugged in and unplugged devices, and debug them when errors   arise, understand simple algorithms and can use technology safely and respectfully. We  teach our children about being safe  online in an ever-growing online world.


In   Key Stage 2, children build on  their  skills by designing, writing and debugging programs that accomplish a   set goal. They develop   an understanding of computer networks, both locally, accessing and saving files, and worldwide using the internet. Children are    taught to use the internet safely, to  research topics and evaluate the effectiveness of digital content. Throughout the wider curriculum, children have    the opportunity to present their work     using a  range    of programs.


Computing @ Priestsic.mp4

Still image for this video

Year 6

Year 6 have been developing their Information Technology skills through creating a range of documents, both on their own, and collaboratively via Microsoft Teams. 

As part of Black History Month, Year 6 took photographs using iPads to record how life currently is at school during COVID -19. 

Year 5

Cross Curricular Computing 

Hour of Code

During Autumn term, Year 5 have created PowerPoints about key authors, both as lessons and part of their independent learning. We have learnt how to create graphs in Excel and chosen the most appropriate way to present out information.   

Egyptian Fashion Videos!

Still image for this video
In Year 5, we have been learning all about Ancient Egyptian society, including how they dressed and wore makeup. We've scripted, filmed and created fashion tutorial videos using recording software to demonstrate our learning and so you can feel ready for the runways of Giza and Cairo! Enjoy!

Year 5 have been using crumble boards to develop their link between computing and D&T. 

Year 5 have used iPads and laptops during Autumn 1 to research our Solar System, create graphs on Excel and insert these into Word. We have also explored Microsoft Teams and Office 365 completing tasks and activities understanding how we can work collaboratively together. 

Year 4

Online Safety

Year 3

Information Technology 

Year 3 have created PowerPoints about light. They chose their own layouts, inserting text and images.  

Year 2


Year 2 have been learning how to program and control BeeBots and new Botley 2.0 robots.

Blended Learning 

Please find examples of our blended learning during Spring.

Year 1

Foundation Stage

Foundation 1

Here are some children programming Beebots  to get to different parts of our Bear hunt story.

Foundation 2

Here are a few examples of children using technology:

  • recording learning with iPads - taking photographs
  • playing with and exploring technology and showing knowledge of how it works - using the laptop
  • playing with and pretending to use smart phones, talking on them and finding things out
  • knowing how to use switches to turn things on and off and that technology can have a purpose and might need to be recharged or plugged in - torch, vacuum cleaner and soup maker.



Safer Internet Day in F2 - In School and Home Learning

Whole School

Safer Internet Day

This year's Safer Internet Day theme was 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'. Throughout school we explored online content and discussed ways to stay safe online. 

Google Be Internet Legends


Key Stage 2 kicked off the year by taking part in a virtual assembly hosted by Internet Legends to re-enforce how to stay safe online.

Real life application 
Year 5 learnt how computing is important in different aspects of real life business with a visit from Mr Limbrey. 

Safer Internet Day

We all explored the theme of taking control of our digital lives, exploring our online identity with the tag line 'Free to be Me'. We explored stories, took part in activities and games and watched clips online to develop our understanding of being safe online. 

Google Be Internet Legends


We were very lucky to have an assembly by Google’s Be Internet Legends team, who enthused and taught Key Stage 2 about staying safe online. 

Computing throughout the school

Here are examples of how we use technology through school as part of our computing curriculum. 

PCSO Visit 

Key stage 2 were visited by our local PCSO to learn about online safety.
