PSHRE Curriculum
Welcome to our PSHRE curriculum page, please have a look at our subject rationale.
PSHRE Policy
After consultation with our parents, staff and governors, please find below our PSHRE policy.
From September 2020 a new curriculum for PSHE and RSE became statutory.
See document below for a parent guide to this.
As well as using some of existing PSHRE and Citizenship Programmes to tie in with class Learning Journey Work, to comply with as a school we are also following a whole new scheme in KS1 and KS2.
Our school is using the Talking Points schemes of work to deliver the government guidance on Health and Relationships education. It uses picture books as a starting point to get children talking about their own health and mental wellbeing as well as addressing other issues such as managing money and understanding democracy. Its aim is to develop children’s understanding of themselves, their emotions and how to deal with others. It also teaches children how to stay safe in many situations and who to speak to if they are ever worried or concerned.
See below for information for each year group.
Stories are subject to change if correct books cannot be sourced.
In Early Years PSHRE will continue to be taught in the same way; through provision and focus times.
The content is formed from two main areas of Development Matters: Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Health and Self-Care.
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)
After extensive research, we have invested in the Christopher Winter Project resources to support our delivery of the RSE curriculum. Something that came from the parent consultation that was carried out earlier in the academic year was that parent's wanted to see the schemes of work that we follow and exactly what their children will be learning about. Attached below are the overviews for Years 1 through to 6.
PSHRE in Action at Priestsic...
The photos below highlight the progression of our PSHRE curriculum as children move through the school; continually revisiting and recall on previously taught themes and learning and building on them in an age appropriate way.
Please find the link for the parent form
What our children say...
What our children think about what they are learning is incredibly important to us; they are at the heart of our curriculum. Pupil voice activities are carried out numerous times throughout the course of the year to ascertain what is working well and how things can be improved. The children's opinions, along with staff's inform the PSHRE subject action plan.