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Foundation 2

To find out more about our EYFS Curriculum and learning through play, please visit our EYFS Curriculum page from the following links.

Welcome to Foundation 2 

Check out our video of what to expect in Foundation 2:

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Autumn Two 2024 - The Dark.

We will begin this half term by looking at the two celebrations of Bonfire Night and Diwali, and compare these as we learn about India, sample some Indian food, take part in an Indian dance class and create firework scenes and Rangoli pattern pictures. We will then move on to learn about Nocturnal animals in a woodland environment, as we study the changes that have occurred with the Season of Autumn. We will have visits from some owls, who will fly around the school hall. We will listen to and read lots of stories around this theme, as well as, learn facts from non-fiction books. We will also learn that some animals are not awake during Winter, and read some non-Fiction books about hibernation. After reading about birds, we will make some bird feeders for our school garden and plant some bulbs ready for Spring. We will continue to build on our knowledge of numbers. We will study light and dark and compare day and night with our visit from the Planetarium, where we will get to look at the night sky. We will learn about sound vibrations and use symbols to describe the sounds musical instruments make. We will use symbols to make our own musical rhythm. We will finish by learning about the celebration of Christmas and performing our own Nativity on our stage

Our Key Texts for this half term:


Autumn One 2024 - Traditional Tales

At the start of the year, we will be learning lots of nursery rhymes and traditional tales and learning to retell them by acting them out and using puppets. We will create our own shadow puppets after studying the work of Lotti Reigner. A librarian will visit us to support us with our storytelling skills. We will take part in lots of creative activities linked to the stories, as well as studying the work of Paul Klee as we create our own town scenes. We will plant our own beanstalks just like Jack did. We will follow instructions to bake bread after reading the story of the Little Red Hen. We will help our local community by collecting for a local food bank during our Harvest Festival celebrations. We will being to explore diversity by learning about ourselves and our families and the celebration of a Christening. As we start our Rainbow Challenges, we will learn how to record our learning on the iPad.

Our Key Texts for this half term:

Summer 2 2025 - Our Wonderful World!

Our final term in Foundation Two will being with studying and further developing our knowledge on plants as we grow our own sunflowers and we create a book on different plant parts. We will study the local environment and our visit from Ashfield District Council will support us with learning how to care for the environment and protect it. We will learn more about recycling and looking after our local community. We will look at the significant person, David Attenborough, to find out what we can do to help. We will then move on the look at life under the sea, by comparing the different animals and the environments.  After studying the art work of Georges Seurat, we will create our own sea pictures in the pointillism style. We will have another visit from a librarian to find out about libraries and to support us with our storytelling skills. We will finish the year with our Graduation where we can celebrate all of our learning from the year.

Our Key Texts for this half term:

Summer 1 2025 - Long, long ago and creepy crawlies!

We will start this half term with the celebration of St. George’s Day, as we learn about the story and the life of a knight and castle life. We will compare castles to our own houses, as we paint and use different materials to build them. We will experiment with different materials in the water area before creating our own boats. We will put on an art gallery to exhibit all of our art work around castles for our parents and carers. We will move on to studying minibeasts and building on our animal knowledge and scientific language from earlier in the year. We will even have some minibeasts in the classroom, which we can watch grow and transform. We will have a visit from some minibeasts and get to ask lots of questions to find out more about them. We will show our knowledge of these creatures through our paintings, iPad pictures, sculptures, dances and writing non-fiction fact files. We will go on hunts around our school grounds to find minibeasts and study their habitats. We will then explore the life of dinosaurs! We will find out about Mary Anning, and how she discovered the first dinosaur fossils.

Our Key Texts for this half term:

Spring Two 2025 - Looking after me

During this half term, we will study what it takes to stay healthy through stories and by looking at non-fiction texts. To encourage aspiration, we will be learning about lots of different job roles of people who help us and we will have visits from a Dentist and an Optician. We will celebrate Pancake Day and visit our own Pancake café, using our maths and money skills to select and buy a topping. We will learn about different vegetables and plant our own and watch them grow. When we read Oliver’s Vegetables, we will be finding out about grandparents and how their lives were different to ours. We will create our own healthy smoothies too. We will be celebrating World Book Day.  We will study the signs of Spring and changes that occur as we go on walks around our school grounds. We will finish the term by studying and celebrating Easter and having a visit from a member of the local church. We will compare Easter to the Hindu celebration Holi, the festival of colour.

Our Key Texts for this half term:

Spring One 2025 - Around the World

In Spring One, we will further our knowledge on animals, but studying different habitats and animals that live in them around the world. We will compare life in Africa and China as we read stories, including Handa’s Surprise and sample different fruits and take part in an African Drumming session. We will celebrate Chinese New Year and learn some Chinese dance moves, as well as, visit our own Priestsic Chinese Restaurant to develop our maths skills and money vocabulary and to taste some Chinese food. During P.E., we will work on our gymnastics skills. We will have a visit from Asda who will teach us about different fruits from around the world and we will get to sample them.

Our Key Texts for this half term:
