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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 2023-24



Welcome to Year 5


Welcome back to the new school year. We are looking forward to going on a fantastic learning journey together. Please find below some useful information about Year 5.


The teachers in Year 5 are: Mr Morley and Mr Clay. Other adults who will be supporting in Year 5 are: Mrs Porter andMiss Jackson.


General Information

  • Reading: Please try to encourage/listen to your child to read at least 3 times a week - please sign your child's reading diaries each time they read so that we can award Dojo's for independence.

  • Our PE day is Thursday (we will do an indoor and an outdoor session on this day) and children will need to come to school in their PE kits on this day.


Our Learning Journey topic for this term is focused on "Why do we call planet Earth home?" and we are kicking off our topic by investigating Space.


If you have any questions about your child's time in Year 5 then please don't hesitate to get in contact with us.


The Year 5 Team




In Spring, we learned all about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, in History. We kicked off our learning with a ‘Viking Day’ where we had a Viking visitor come into school! We then looked at comparing the life in Britain before during and after both Anglos-Saxon and Viking rule. We also looked at crime and punishment from both settlers. In science, we looked at ‘Animals, Including Humans’ and ‘Living things and their Habitats’. It was great to build on learning from similar topics, from previous years in both topics.


In English, we studied ‘Beowulf’ to further enhance our Vikings and Anglos-Saxons topic. We developed our vocabulary throughout this story as we came across many unfamiliar words. For our end of learning write, we looked at enhancing our direct speech knowledge – using speech to further develop the story and characters. We also looked at the poem ‘Jabberwocky’ to enhance our knowledge of different types of text and enable us to discuss the nonsense vocabulary.


In Maths, we continued to develop our knowledge of fractions and began to explore their equivalent decimals and percentages to be able to apply these to problems. We then finished with statistics, in which we read and interpreted a range of different graphs and tables, including line graphs and timetables.

Autumn 2

In Autumn 2, we compared the UK with South Africa and learned all about mountains in Geography. We video called a school in South Africa to discuss the similarities and differences between ourselves and them. For our mountains topic, we learned the names of different mountains and the different ways in which they are formed. We were lucky to have a VR Mount Everest experience. Additionally, we looked at Nelson Mandela as our South African aspirational figure, and Junko Tabei as our mountaineering aspirational figure.


In English, we studied 'Journey to Jo’burg’ to further enhance our South Africa topic. We developed our retrieval and understanding of texts. In Writing we ‘wrote in role’ and produced diary entries from the point of view of the main character - Naledi.


In Maths, we moved on to increase our competency with multiplication and division problems. We then looked at fractions and ended with area and perimeter.

Autumn 1

In Autumn 1, we explore space. We learn about the planets in our solar system, day and night and the phases of the moon. We discover the 'Hidden Figures' as inspirational people who helped NASA progress; Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn, Mary Jackson and Dr Christine Darden.


In English, we study 'Leo and the Place Between'. We develop our inference skills using text and picture clues. In Writing we develop our effective descriptive devices.


In Maths, we build on our knowledge of place value and use this knowledge to answer increasingly complex reasoning and problem solving questions. We then begin to look at formal addition and subtraction methods.


To develop your comprehension skills use

where you can work through texts, finding evidence and develop your answers checking as you go. 


Children in Year 5 all have access to the following websites to support their home learning:


Thank you for your continued support.

Home Learning Support Ideas

Please find a selection of websites and useful documents with lots of creative, exciting and fun ideas to do at home. 

I have come across a really useful website called 'Natural Curriculum' for teaching Year 5 grammar. 
Please find below a document with lots of useful links to support home learning. 