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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to our Year 1 page.  We will share information on here, about your child's learning and time in Year 1 as well as posting regularly on our Class Dojo page.

There is a copy of our curriculum overview below, so you can see what learning will be taking place throughout the year.  If you want to find out about specific curriculum areas, for example: 'Science' or 'Music' look at the 'Curriculum' section of the website. 

We have a list of 50 recommended reads for Year 1, which are wonderful books for you to share at home. Please mark them off, on the booklet you have been given, when your child has read them and encourage your child to swap them so that you get to read all 50 together!  


Here is some practical information for you:

  • PE is on Tuesdays in Year 1 so the children need to come to school in their PE kit every Tuesday. 
  • Children get a piece of fruit every day in Year 1.
  • Please could you send your child in with a named water bottle every day.
  • If your child would like milk please go to the Cool Milk website and apply there. The website is  
  • If you are in receipt of Universal Credit please apply for free school meals. It means that your child is then eligible for the Pupil Premium funding and will get trips, visits and in school experiences at half price. please call at the office for further information about this.
  • The children bring home a Little Wandle reading book for you to practise with them. We read with the children 3 times a week in school. Please read together every day. Little and often is best and research shows that young children have the most success when learning to read when they revisit the same reading book several times until they are fluent with it. We will change their Little Wandle reading book weekly. It is really important that these are returned to school.
  • The children are offered breakfast as soon as they come to school each morning as part of our Magic Breakfast scheme. 

Here is some information about our Year 1 curriculum:

Autumn 1

This half term we are learning about ourselves, the parts of our body and the five senses. We taste foods, observe closely with our eyes, use our sense of smell and describe the feel different objects as a way to explore how our senses help us to learn about the world around us.

We begin to learn how to work scientifically and carry out investigations.

We compare the similarities and differences between humans and other animals by finding out what makes us mammals. We begin to find out about animal classification. 

To help us understand where food comes from, we explore if it is from an animal or a plant. We plant some vegetables in the school garden and we look after them throughout the year until they harvest. 

We then make a healthy snack (from fruit and vegetables) using our cutting and squeezing skills. We make fruit kebabs - and then eat them! 

Our focus book for Autumn 1 is The Bog Baby.


Autumn 2

MOVING AROUND!- What do I know about the UK and where I live?

We will explore the local area through a ‘getting around’ lense. We will learn where Sutton-in-Ashfield is located and, from this, learn the 4 countries of the UK, where these are and where the UK is on a globe.  We will put the 4 countries of the UK on a map. We will explore the local area by going on a walk and what it is like. We will find out where we live, where people work, where people go in the local area (human features) and then plot what we find out on a field map. We will learn our address is and why it is important to know this.  

We will learn that what we find out are features of a town and will understand what a ‘town’ is. 

In design technology we will investigate different types of vehicles and how they move. We will use our science knowledge ab out the properties of materials to make moving vehicles with fixed or free spinning axles.  

Our book this half term is Naughty Bus. 


We will be exploring the weather and finding out if it is always the same – in this country and in other places. We will be finding out about the seasons and how the weather changes throughout the year. We will then explore the features of hot and cold places, about the equator and the North and South Poles and the animals that live there. We will find out how the animals are suited to the environment where they live. 



We are exploring how lives have changed since our grand parents were little. We will looking at  toys from the past and putting them on a timeline from the 1900s to modern day. We will also explore how homes have changed and how technology has evolved. We will be investigating the properties of materials toys are made from and thinking about why those materials were chosen.  We will design, make and evaluate our own soft toy after exploring a range of materials and joining techniques in textiles.   
