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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 


Welcome back to the new school year and to Year 3! The Year 3 team are looking forward to getting to know you all and starting our exciting Year 3 together! Please find below some useful information about Year 3.


The teachers in Year 3 are: Mr Burke & Miss Carter
The main adults who support teaching and learning in Year 3 are: Mrs Cooper, Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Gorman, Mrs Watson Mrs Wood & Christine.



  • Maths: times tables will be allocated weekly.

  • Reading: Please try to encourage/listen to your child read at least 3 times a week

  • Our PE day is Wednesday (we will do an indoor and an outdoor session on this day) and children will need to come to school in their PE kits on this day. Please make sure you are wearing the correct PE uniform of black shorts or trousers, a white top and a black hooded jacket. Please make sure children have coats in school as they will have at least one outdoor PE session.


If you have any questions about your child's time in Year 3 then please don't hesitate to get in contact with us via Class Dojo or through the school office. 


The Year 3 Team

Summer Term

For the summer term, we are looking at plants, their different parts and what they need to grow.

In English, our text is The Firework Makers Daughter, by Philip Pullman. We will be looking at creating a diary as if we are Lila, writing letters and looking at a range of description. 

Year 3 Welcome Booklet

Check out our Recommended Reads - 30 fantastic books to read before you leave Year 3
