Welcome back to the new school year and to Year 3! The Year 3 team are looking forward to getting to know you all and starting our exciting Year 3 together! Please find below some useful information about Year 3.
School will start at 8.45. Your child will need to come to the door on Priestsic Road where a member of staff will meet your child. If you have any questions and queries, please share them with the member of staff on the door so that they can be passed onto the class teacher. Your child will then be offered Magic Breakfast within class.
The end of the school day is at 3.20. Your child will be brought out from the Priestsic Road door.
PE for you child will be on Wednesday afternoons. We would ask that your child comes to school ready in their PE kits on that day in a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts/joggers, plain black zipped hooded jacket and appropriate trainers. Just to remind you, that children should not be wearing any jewellery.
The teachers in Year 3 are Miss Carter, Mrs Harrison and Miss Jackson.
The teaching assistants in Year 3 are Mrs Gorman, Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Cooper, Miss Wood, Miss Repton and Mrs Wilson.
Please be aware that in Year 3, children are no longer offered a piece of fruit. They are welcome to bring a healthy snack, i.e. no crisps or chocolate. Just a reminder that we are a nut free school.
Please ensure that children come to school with a drink of water everyday to ensure they stay hydrated.
Maths: times tables will be allocated weekly.
Reading: Please try to encourage/listen to your child read at least 3 times a week
If you have any questions about your child's time in Year 3 then please don't hesitate to get in contact with us via Class Dojo or through the school office.
The Year 3 Team
Autumn 1
Our Learning Journey for this term is a science topic called 'Should we be afraid of the dark?'. The children will be learning about light sources, shadows and changes in light. We will also study the topic of forces and magnets. Our English will be tied to this and we will be reading 'Orion and the Dark'. In maths, we will be getting to grips with place value and our understanding of number. We will also be learning French this year. Be sure to check class dojo pages for updates for what is happening in class.